BOKS International has established the Indirect Tax Expert Advisory Group, a specialized unit within the alliance that brings together dedicated indirect tax experts to enhance service delivery and solutions for clients globally, with Glezco Asesores y Consultores actively participating through the presence of tax attorney Andrés Díaz.

This group of experts is committed to leading the way in indirect tax practices by leveraging the diverse expertise of its members, with Andrés Díaz serving as the Spanish representative. It comprises carefully selected professionals who are not only specialists in their field but are also deeply committed to developing comprehensive and cutting-edge tax solutions for clients of alliance members.

This select team is responsible for staying abreast of the latest developments in tax legislation, ensuring that all members provide the most up-to-date and effective advice possible. The group will also produce detailed reports and summaries that will serve as valuable resources for other members, enhancing the alliance’s ability to serve clients facing complex tax challenges.

“I am delighted to contribute my experience in navigating complex landscapes of indirect taxes, and I am very optimistic about what we can achieve through our Indirect Tax Expert Advisory Group. Working closely with experts from other countries will broaden the scope and effectiveness of our advisory services and strengthen our position as leaders in the field of global tax advisory”, stated Andrés Díaz.