Glezco Asesores y Consultores has advised our client JC NAVALIPS in the acquisition from Wartsila of their premises located in Cantabria, and the marine propellers manufacturing business, through the elaboration of the financial, legal, tax and labour due diligence, along with the financial structuring of the operation.
Glezco‘s team was led by Pablo Muñiz, partner of Glezco Tax & Legal, y Gregorio Moreno, responsible of Glezco Capital Partners & Ventures. Seller was advised by Uría Menéndez.
At Glezco Asesores y Consultores we are delighted to be able to work with JC Navalips, Javier Cavada‘s corporation, a firm in clear expansion where dedication, strong work ethic and commitment to quality are defining features.

The giant blades inside the JC Navalips factory in Maliaño.